Are Electric Makeup Brush Cleaner Machines Worth It? 5 Reasons Why.

Learn 5 reasons why electric makeup brush cleaners are worth it

You’ve probably seen reviews of these devices before… But are they really worth the hype?


Display of Nanshy's Brush Cleaner Box, front

From Nanshy’s experience working with professional makeup artists in the UK, there are two answers to this:

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: Yes, you should definitely get one.

Professional MUAs know best when it comes to this: Your brushes are only as good as your cleaning routine.

And hey… Nobody loves having to clean their brush after every use, right?

So if you want to keep your brushes fresh without all the work, you need one of these.

But before you get one of these tools, there are 5 things you should consider (some of which might surprise you).

Curious? Then keep reading, we’ll be dropping you some exclusive MUA tips along this blog.


How often should you clean your makeup brushes anyway?

Before we begin, did you know that most people aren’t cleaning their brushes properly?

Ideally, you should wash your brushes after each use, but you can get away with cleaning them less often.

How? Here’s a handy guide.

Reason 1: They’re Fun

Washing your brushes after each use feels like a chore... But it doesn’t have to.

With an electric cleaner, you get to clean more brushes in less time, so you can focus on pampering your face.

It doesn’t get any better than that.

Except it does, cleaner machines are made to be portable. So you can fit them in basically any bag, which is extra handy when you’re travelling.


Hand close-up of our cleaner device

Are you a MUA? Here’s a special tip for you:

If you’re juggling clients at a busy event and need to switch brushes quickly, you should try a brush cleaning spray instead, since it’s a simple alternative that won’t slow you down. We recommend this one.

Reason 2: They’re Quick

Who has time to spend ages scrubbing away at brushes?

Electric brush cleaners make it super easy & fast. You just pop your brushes in and let the cleaner do all the work for you.

(Pssst… If you still prefer your brushes manually, take a look at these MUA techniques to wash your brushes in less than 2 minutes.)

Reason 3: They’re Easy to Use

It’s so simple that you can do this with only one hand.

Three-step guide on using your machine

• Get your stuff.

You only need water and brush soap.

• Attach the brushes.

Slide the brushes on the top of the machine.

Note: Avoid stuffing the machine with too many brushes at a time. While you can do this, we strongly recommend against it (more info below).

• Switch on.

Turn on the machine, then let it clean the brushes anywhere from 90 seconds to 5 minutes.

• Rinse & dry.

Make sure you dry it properly to avoid mould and keep your cleaner in flawless shape.

Important: Do not use just any kind of soap. If you use regular hand soap or dish soap, it will damage the bristles and shorten the life of your brushes. Use this one instead.

Reason 4: They’re Better at Cleaning

What’s worse than having to wash your brushes every day? Washing them every day… And doing it wrong.

Not any more.

Electric cleaner machines take care of that for you.

When you clean them manually, you can’t always reach the old makeup that’s trapped in the ferrules.

But when you use a cleaner machine, the spin helps shake out the old foundation stuck in the spots that are hard to reach by hand.

• Extra hidden bonus.

When you’re doing everything by hand, you tend to leave the water tap running.


So in the long run, you’d be wasting a lot of water (and money) in the process... Not good!

But with an automatic cleaner, you don’t even have to worry about this. It’s a win-win for you and the environment.

Reason 5: They’re Better for Your Brushes

What’s worse than washing your brushes every day, and washing them wrong?


Washing your brushes every day, washing them wrong, and also damaging your brush.

But thanks to the little spinny part, you can avoid all of that. The electric brush cleaner gently cleans your brushes while keeping their nice shape & soft bristles.


Important note: Even if you’re cleaning your collection properly, your makeup results depend a lot on using the right brush set. Take a look at this guide to learn about the sets you should pick (and which to avoid).

Types of Cleaners

This might surprise you, but there’s at least half a dozen different types available out there, and each type has its pros & cons.

We’re listing out some of the more common ones so you can choose which works best for you.

• Ultrasonic

As you can tell by the name, this type uses sound waves to clean the brushes (and no, despite their name, they’re not loud).

They make tiny vibrations that shake up the brush and clean away the old makeup.


Close look of a ultrasonic brush cleaner


Pros: You can also use them with rings and other pieces of jewellery, so they can be quite handy. Some of them also include a “drying” feature.


Cons: They can be more expensive than other kinds of brush cleaners.

Want to see one in action? Fashionista has an awesome review on the BrushPearl where they made a live test.

• Spinny (with an open-top)

These spinny ones look like a chalice, you just dip your brushes in. Unfortunately, though, you have to manually hold the brush in place.


A top view of a cleaner with no lid

Pros: Super easy to set up and super easy to clean. You can also use it with any shape of brush.

Cons: It’s by far the messiest. Having an open lid means that there’s a lot of room for mistakes. We recommend avoiding these.

• Spinny (with a closed top)

These brush cleaners are an upgrade from the open lid ones. They hold your brushes in place for you, while also avoiding any messes.

They work by swishing water around your brushes from multiple angles. This helps clean your brush completely.


A full display of a spinner makeup cleaner

Pros: You get to clean multiple brushes at the same time, which is ideal for MUAs. This model also helps your brushes last longer, since you have the option to add gentle soap to the mix.

Cons: The lid might not be compatible with all brushes.

• Suction

This model uses a special mechanism to pull out old makeup from the brush. Like the previous type, suction cleaners also keep everything contained, so there’s no mess.


A showcase of a suction makeup brush cleaner

Pros: Looks like a fish tank.

Cons: It might hurt your brush if you don’t do it properly. The pulling mechanism can potentially damage the finer bristles.

Important Tips & Common Mistakes

Your electric cleaner takes care of your brushes… But who takes care of your cleaner?

That’s you, beautiful.

And just like your brushes, your cleaner needs some TLC too.

But here’s the thing… Unlike your brush collection, you only have to clean your machine once.

It’s super simple, here are some tips to keep in mind:

• Tip: Give it a nice quick rinse after each use.

After you’re done cleaning your brushes, make sure you rinse out the bowl/brush holders. This removes any leftover product and (most importantly) helps your electric cleaner last a long, long time.

• Mistake: Don’t stuff too many brushes in the cleaner.

This is the step most people miss.

How many brushes do you own? Probably a lot. So avoid putting too many of them in the machine at the same time.

While you can put several brushes at the same time, adding too many of them makes things less useful. We recommend washing your brushes in smaller batches so that each of them get the TLC they deserve.

And if you own a lot of brushes, you should check out our guide on how you can organize your glam with the best bags.

• Tip: Let it dry after cleaning your brushes.

You dry your brushes whenever you clean them, right? Don’t forget to do this with the machine too.

This is the difference between having it last a few months, to a few years. It also helps avoid mould, mildew or any other nasty stuff.

• Mistake: Using too much soap!

This is a common one. You might think that using more soap would make your brushes cleaner, but that’s not the case… It’s the opposite!

Even if you’re using gentle soap made especially for brushes, if you overdo it, it will weaken the bristles and leave a big mess in the cleaner that you’ll have to deal with later.

• Tip: Use lukewarm water.

You might know this one already, but don’t go dipping your brushes in boiling hot water, this damages the bristles. But it’s not just the bristles, hot water can also weaken the glue that holds the entire brush together.

Key Takeaway

What makes electric cleaners a big deal is the fact you’ll get a lot of value whether you’re a professional makeup artist or a makeup lover just doing your own thing.


You’ll save time and money in the long run.

Side note: If you’re not a MUA, but you want to become a MUA, we have a giant guide on how you can start your career (including courses you can take in the UK).

Ready to Upgrade Your Routine?

Check out Nanshy’s Brush Cleaner for the full details. We’re including a USB cable so you can keep your brushes clean wherever you go.

A conclusion noting the 5 steps previously mentioned


Q: Will using an electric brush cleaner make my brushes last longer?

A: Yes, they help keep your brushes in good shape, since they’re great at removing old makeup from the ferrule.

Q: How often should I clean my brushes with an electric cleaner?

A: That’s a great question. You should clean them once a week or whenever your brushes start looking dirty. This keeps your brushes clean and helps your makeup (and you) look your best.

Q: Any tips for taking care of my electric brush cleaner?

A: Like we previously mentioned, make sure to rinse it out after each use to get rid of any leftover soap or makeup. Also, check the instructions so you don’t miss anything.

Q: How long do electric brush cleaners last?

A: They can last up to a few years if you’re taking care of them properly. Electric cleaners also help your makeup brushes last longer, so they’re an investment for your whole beauty kit.

Q: How can I tell when my machine isn’t working properly?

A: Your cleaner is made to be silent, so if you hear any unusual noise or the little spinning device seems slower than usual, you should have a closer look. Extra tip: We strongly recommend you check for any product build-up like soap or makeup, since these are the most common causes.

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